Hi lovely, It's Lorraine here.

I support my clients to be the best version of themselves. With over 40+ years of work & life experience, you should feel in safe hands.

The best investment you can make is in your mental health & well-being. I can help you to take control of your negative thoughts so that you can feel in control, shift your mindset & release self-sabotage.

As a Hypno-CBT® Therapist, I combine psychotherapy, mindfulness & cognitive behavioural therapy with hypnotic imagery. This approach uses both talking & action-focused behaviour therapy to create powerful change. 

The results of hypnosis & the techniques I employ are not miraculous but if you're feeling anxious, stressed & overwhelmed, your results might feel like magic has happened.

I will provide you with science-based techniques to help you go from 'Anxious to Awesome' & from almost 'Breakdown to Breakthrough' so you feel in control of challenges in your life.

This shift in mindset will improve your ability to face life head-on with confidence. Join me in my online courses, group coaching & 121 private sessions.

Lorraine Walker Academy

Manage stress | Overcome self-sabotage | Build self-confidence & self-belief.

I weave a combination of Psychotherapy, CBT, Stress Management, Emotional Resilience, Mindfulness & Hypnosis into my work, meaning;

I can help you to get out of your own way faster, by helping you re-programme & shift your mindset on a deep subconscious level.

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Students are currently enrolled on my courses from over...

166Countries worldwide &
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44Different languages.

to be able to help so many of you, thank you for being part of my community.

4 Ways Lorraine Walker Can Help You…

1. Education & Training: 

Our academy offers a range of courses to help you experience being in the moment as opposed to being on the never-ending hamster wheel of life.

Putting yourself first is not selfish or narcissistic. Loving yourself is not arrogant or self-indulgentBoundaries are essential in life, especially when people try to suffocate you with a disregard for your needs & overall well-being.

Self-care is encouraged by us, it's not selfish or self-indulgent to take care of you, why? Because you're worth it. 

This is a one-stop shop where you can access courses, mindfulness practices, guided meditations & CBT resources to help you on your journey back to the 'you' that you know.

We also have a children's resource area & currently have audios introducing the practice of meditation for you to do with your child, to assist with a bedtime routine & help induce peaceful sleep.

2. YouTube: Lorraine Walker

Bringing you a channel from our respected CB Hypnotherapist, Lorraine delves into the day-to-day issues that impact our thoughts and emotions, illuminating how scientific & evidence-based tools & techniques can help you rein in your inner saboteur. 

"My passion is empowering mums like you, to manage thoughts, feelings & behaviours to go from break-down to breaking free. I can help you release the vicious cycle of negative thinking to overcome self-sabotage & be the best version of yourself".

My mission is to help you eliminate limiting beliefs that holding you back so that you can realise your full potential & play the starring role in the movie of your own life."

3. Podcast: The Liberation Lounge

Welcome to The Liberation Lounge.

Through captivating storytelling, we lead you on transformative journeys, guiding you through the labyrinth of your own thoughts and emotions. Allow yourself to be swept away by tales of triumph, resilience, and personal growth.

Whether you're seeking a refuge from the pressures of life or simply looking to understand why you think and feel the way you do, The Liberation Lounge is your ticket to an oasis of calmness and wellbeing. So, grab a drink, sink into a comfy armchair, and open your mind to the endless possibilities that await you in this audible sanctuary.

Unwind, laugh, and liberate your mind with each episode.

Let the adventure begin!

4. Therapy: Mind You

Mind You Therapy is my private practice offering 121 therapy sessions delivered in my treatment room or over zoom.

I use an integration of 3 proven modalities; Hypnosis, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) & Mindfulness. As a Hypno-CBT® Therapist, I combine psychotherapy with hypnotic imagery. This approach uses both “talking therapy” & action-focused behaviour therapy to create deep, powerful & rapid change.

This approach together with your input during sessions will help you achieve successful therapeutic outcomes. During treatment sessions, you will also learn transferable coping skills, that can be implemented across different areas of your life.

I can work with you across a range of areas from fears & phobias to stress & anxiety, self-confidence, self-belief & self-acceptance. Visit my website link below for more details.

We explore the best techniques that work for you & provide you with a toolkit of valuable resources to continue with your progress beyond the therapy room.



Download your FREE relaxation audio below!

A 10-minute introduction to 'Body Relaxation'! Learn to notice the difference between tense & relaxed muscles. Practice using your breath to visualise tension & experience full relaxation.

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