Why this Challenge?

Welcome to the Dream Self Challenge!

I'm so excited that you're thinking about taking this challenge!
I promise it’s going to be transformational.

I’ve created this challenge for the woman who spins so many plates & juggles so many balls, ensuring everyone else's life is happy and organised, whether it is work, home, or family (if you have children), running a business or a combination of all.

It's fair to say that we women often get lost in the chaos of our busy lives & we often forget to plan some essential 'Me TIME' into our day or even our week.

If we are running a business, well.... that is just more plates to spin that impact our overstretched to-do lists. 

For so many of us…we know we want to achieve more,
do more, and be more, but we just can’t find the time or we self-sabotage & block our own progress.

If you’re nodding along, then hello friend! You’re not alone and this challenge is going to help you break through those self-sabotage thoughts & repeated patterns helping you to step into your 'Dream Self' towards the best version of you.

Don’t think this challenge has made its way into your life by accident, you’re ready for change. So the first rule of this challenge is to commit to it. Make the decision to stick to the plan. Come rain or shine, you have to do it. This is for YOU, so commit.

You will get a 14-page workbook where, together, we will change your way of thinking in just 5 days!

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