Welcome to 'The Habits to Happiness' 

6-Week Coaching Programme

I'm so pleased you're thinking of joining the Habits to Happiness coaching program. I'm on a mission to help you eliminate self-sabotage & those limiting beliefs of not feeling good enough & to break free from stress, & anxiety.

My passion is empowering people like you to manage thoughts, feelings & behaviours, & to feel confident stepping into the best version of themselves because you're worth it & deserve to be happy in life. 

My online courses, VIP days & coaching programmes offer a framework of science & evidence-based tools & techniques to help you take the action you need so that you can realise your full potential & play the starring role in the movie of your own life.

Week 1 - Joyful Journaling

ournaling is scientifically proven to make you happier, healthier, and more productive. Writing our thoughts, wishes, fears and dreams, help us to focus on ourself.

Week 2 - Mindset Matters

What’s holding you back? Sometimes we are not even aware of the unconscious programming that’s running in the background on automatic pilot. This week you learn to monitor your thoughts.

Week 3 - Essential Self-Care

Practising self-care is not selfish it is essential. This week we look at the different areas of our life relationships, to setting boundaries to promote our own health & happiness and overall wellbeing.

Week 4 - Mindful Moments

This week we introduce Mindfulness & Meditation, this practice also complements journaling & improving mindset. Mindful moments also support improving mental health & help to reduce stress & anxiety essential to enhance our daily happiness levels.

Week 5 - Gratitude

Research has shown that practising gratitude can improve your health in many ways & also suggests that showing gratitude increases feelings of happiness.

Week 6 - Sacred Sleep

During sleep, the body performs a number of procedures that affect nearly every element of the body, including repair and maintenance. As a result, an individual's mental and physical health can be altered by how much or how little sleep they get.

Great Results Are Always Guaranteed With Us.

Know that happiness & success is an inside job!

Know that truly believing in yourself can bring huge changes in your life. 

Know that the minute you decide you deserve better for yourself is 

 the minute the entire universe begins to shift in your favour!

"Lorraine has completely changed my life, she has helped me work through some problems I was having as well as get over my self-sabotaging behaviour!"

- Jennie R.

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